Nintendo super contra cheats
Nintendo super contra cheats

nintendo super contra cheats

You should now find yourself in a densely wooded area with guards. Run west from there, and veer south once you can. Exit the building and run south, then stop just before you hit the barrier wall.

nintendo super contra cheats

Start at the sanctuary altar and run south with the Pegasus Shoes equipped. Now carry it with you until you're ready to release it and watch it make your foes mighty uncomfortable. Smash against it and a golden bee emerges, which you can capture with your net and store in a bottle. However, you can find a more helpful variety near where you obtain the Ice Rod.Įnter the relevant cave through its standard opening and head toward the back wall, where a statue is waiting. Most bees you find are as likely to hurt you as they are your foes. But hitting the right guard while on the upper level will drop you beneath the floor, letting you walk into (under) the wall. Getting hit by a guard will reset this, which is why the glitched state breaks if you touch one too soon. So what’s going on here? When you save and quit mid-air, the game registers Link as being on a level lower than he actually is. Now just hold up on the D-pad and you’ll eventually walk past Ganon and into the final cutscene of the game!.Make sure you don’t go another screen over, and don’t step out of the wall. Walk to the right using Link’s hat peeking through the wall as a guide, then stop when it disappears into the right wall.Walk straight up until the screen changes, then go straight up one more screen and stop.

nintendo super contra cheats

At this point, Link should disappear, now under and inside of the wall.Wait for the blue guard to turn around (or slash him once to get his attention), then press left on the D-pad to continuously run up against the left wall just as the guard hits you.Go up the stairs again, but this time exit through the door to the left.If you do, you’ll need to repeat the last step. Reload your save and make your way back into the castle, but make sure you don’t touch any of the guards along the way.Hop off the ledge and press ‘Select’ mid-air, then choose to save and quit the game.Once inside the first main room, climb the center steps and walk to the ledge just to the left.Start a new game and head to Hyrule Castle to your sword, then follow the path to go in.

Nintendo super contra cheats